The Fair Tax By Pat Burkett August 13, 2014
Income taxes encourage going into debt through use of interest deductions. The Fair Tax encourages saving. It also encourages conservation of resources because it only taxes new items, thus making used items more valuable. And the Fair Tax expands the tax base to include many people who now escape being taxed such as participants in illegal activities, foreign tourists, and those who take advantage of various loopholes in the tax code. This lowers the tax burden on all current taxpayers. And think of the billions of dollars saved when IRS funding is cut off and when businesses and individuals no longer have to hire tax consultants to do their annual tax reporting. The Fair Tax is the best available tax reform, already researched and written, and waiting in the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee for a hearing. Let's get this bill passed into law. Pat Burkett About: "I have read the 131 page proposed legislation HR25/S122 and written several letters to editors on the subject of tax reform. I strongly support passage of this legislation, and consider it to be the best and fairest way to fund government. I am a retired Navy Medical Corp officer." Received August 11, 2014 - Published August 13, 2014 Related Viewpoint:
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