SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center

By Chris Elliott


August 19, 2015
Wednesday PM

June 10, 2015, I went to the emergency room before work because I'd had a nose bleed for about 45 minutes. After giving them my insurance information, I was escorted to a bed & reclined for about 10 minutes. I declined a full-screen blood test as I had just had one a month ago and it ran me $400. I then left the hospital, went home & got ready for work.

I received my bill today. $454! $454! I've heard of renting rooms by the hour, but this is a little steep. Yes, my insurance paid for some ($172.50), but that isn't the point. $454! Absolutely ridiculous.

Chris Elliott
Ketchikan, Alaska


About: "60+ year resident"

Received August 19, 2015 - Published August 19, 2015



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska

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