No say as shareholdersBy Wanda J Culp August 19, 2015 Yay Tilli Abbott for speaking the truth that few can imagine. ANCSA is indeed a heavy burden for village's mass land ownership, and a mega windfall for the ones who are determined that "being Indian" is now worthy of claiming. See how well Congress' oil baron-driven ANCSA worked on their behalf while inflicting ugly pain and loss on its beneficiaries who were able to halt that bloated industry until an "Indian settlement" was forced on the U. S. of A. "Us Indians" have no say as shareholders. The board assures that. As the largest private land owners in Alaska, we top all U. S. statistics for the mega poor in poverty. WHY? It is all by design that has more to do with genocide than "lifting us up into the American dream". More non-Natives have rights to ANCSA land and $ than we do! Any huge industry can buy in and simply take over while replacing us with outside staff, services and goods. This great law is so shameful, it is not taught in schools, nor is it common knowledge to new comers to Alaska. Corporate propaganda is believed by all. None asked past that. Wanda J Culp About: "I am a Tlingit tribal member of a recognized tribe and an original shareholder of ANCSA corporations." Received August 17, 2015 - Published August 19, 2015 Related Viewpoint:
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