Thank You POWBy Sheila Finkenbinder August 01, 2016
I want to thank the residents of Prince of Wales Island for the welcoming reception I received during my visit last week. I traveled from Craig and Klawock up to Whale Pass for the POWCAC meeting, down to Hydaburg for Cultural Camp, and over to Thorne Bay. I met with mayors and administrators, fishermen and electricians, teachers and superintendents, business owners and bankers; and the man on the street. I heard about your love of living on the island, as well as your concerns. But the most amazing thing I heard was your understanding of the fiscal crisis that Alaska faces, and your willingness to be a part of the solutions needed to get us through the tough times ahead. I want to thank so many people for taking the time to talk with me and help me get to know your island home. My next trip to POW will be for the Arts and Seafood Festival at Coffman Cove on August 12 and 13. I’m hoping to see many of you there. In the meantime, should you wish to know more about my ideas and positions, or to share your concerns, please call me at 907-738-3098 or visit my website at www.Sheila4StateHouse.com. Sincerely, Sheila Finkenbinder Received July 31, 2016 - Published August 01, 2016
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