RECALL THE PFD THIEFBy David G Hanger August 25, 2016
It is time to recall this colossal disaster, and his tag teammate, Byron Mallott who has essentially proposed a ‘whites only’ state income tax. By stealing $1000 from every Alaskan Governor Walker has imposed one of the most regressive taxes possible on the citizens of this state in the course of violating the law. For a family of four with an income level of $40,000 (and there are a lot of young folks who fit that, you Snob Hill bunch) ten percent of their income has just been stolen by this governor to pay off his oil company buddies. At $50,000 that is 8% of your annual income, and even for a family of four at $100,000 it represents 4% of your annual income, or in other words Governor Walker just collected from you a second sales tax while Anchorage residents still pay none at all. Walker does not want to be Governor of the State of Alaska; he wants to be governor of the Anchorage/Fairbanks corridor, but unfortunately for him and for us there is no such post. This guy made it clear when he came to Ketchikan on March 1 that he has no intent whatsoever to collect anything on our oil, that instead he was planning on collecting from us; and he has been constant in that regard. This state cannot function while giving its oil away for free to big oil. Walker and Mallott are just lackeys for big oil. Recall them. In the meantime I do not urge, I implore Senator Wielechowski and our state representatives Dan Ortiz, Les Gara, et. al, to take prompt legal action to stop this vile act of Governor Walker, and to return to the individual pockets of Alaska citizens the $700 million this man has cavalierly purloined to pay off his oil company buddies. David G Hanger Received August 21, 2016 - Published August 25, 2016
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