SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Save Deer Mountain

By Norbert Chaudhary


August 29, 2016
Monday PM

How can we save Deer Mountain? Why not a petition to Governor Walker to fire the entire Mental Health board? If they want to threaten the people of Ketchikan then why not return the favor?

It seems to me this "mental" board has completely forgotten or perhaps never knew that they are servants to ALL of the people of Alaska.

To have made a decision of such magnitude without any public input from the community impacted indicates a complete disconnect from the very people whose care they are entrusted with. We have the right to question the competency of those who believed they could gain the support of a community by threatening it.

The State of Alaska is in the midst of a financial crisis the likes of which we have never seen. Alaskans, now more than ever, need to put aside their personal and political differences and work together to solve the problems facing us. The last thing we need is an overbearing Alaska Mental Health DisTrust board pitting Alaskans against Alaskans and sowing anger and discontent within our state.

United we stand, divided we fall... These folks are dividing us. We need to get rid of them.

I don't know about anyone else on this Island, but there is no way in hell I will be intimidated into backing an out of control state bureaucracy that is holding a gun to my head. The people of Ketchikan are a stubborn independent bunch unlikely to cower in fear or tolerate the bullying tactics of a state board who think themselves our betters.

Perhaps you have heard the quote "Don't piss on our feet and tell us it's raining."

Well we in Ketchikan know BS when we hear it - and we damn well know what rain is.

Norbert Chaudhary
Ketchikan, Alaska

Received August 29, 2016 - Published August 29, 2016

About: "In a complicated relationship with the mountain in question "



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Ketchikan, Alaska

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