RE: REX BARBERBy David G Hanger August 26, 2017
I do hope that comment does not offend our local mullahs and ayotallahs, i.e. our local preachers, priests, etc., i.e. our local censors of speech, thought, association, and pretty much everything else. I think Rex’s piece is best summarized by paraphrasing the end of Rex’s bullet #5, to wit, “Rex hates anyone who thinks differently than he.” When Rex, et. al, decide to come toast the libtards and progressives one final time, duly note, oh Great Ones, that our local sports stadiums are just not adequate holding facilities, but all your churches are made out of wood and can hold a lot of libtards and progressives for the roasting. Should be a great time for geniuses like you and Rex. Enjoy. David G Hanger About: Was the text of this letter edited by the SitNews Editor: No Received August 24, 2017 - Published August 26, 2017 Related Viewpoint:
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