Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
By Robert Holston
August 03, 2018
Friday PM
Would Lisa Murkowski have let drowning people perish if she was in one of the Titanic life boats and simply referred to those in the water bobbing about and begging for life as “bobbing somethings” instead of living humans? Lisa Murkowski was recently asked about the issue of Roe V Wade and the Supreme Court nominee. To paraphrase her response; “...she certainly does not want to turn back time in regard to a woman’s “reproductive rights".” I interpret that to mean “I want to be forward thinking, scientific, progressive and protecting women’s rights.”
Speaking as a “Guardian Ad-Litem” for the pre-born, I want to address the scientific advancements since the Supreme Court decision1973. At that time the Court did not know when human life began and stated such in the majority decision. They, like Planned Parenthood still does today, projected their institutional ignorance onto the general public by continuing to treat the human fetus as a blob of cells that is a “part of the woman” like a tumor or an oversized wart. As long as the public swallows this unscientific, backwards and antiquated reasoning the Lisa Murkowskis of this world will be able to make seemingly “culturally correct” statements about “women’s reproductive rights.” Those who do so are advertising their ignorance.
The Murkowski/Planned Parenthood logic is simple: IGNORE THE DISCUSSION OF HUMAN LIFE, when it begins and when and if it has value. Like the many Titanic life boats with a few people safely aboard and room for many more, with a little effort and sacrifice many more human lives could have been saved. The choice back then was simple........ ignore the cries of those in need, ignore their life and their future and paddle away. Too inconvenient to turn back, too much effort, not worth it. Let those lives sink into the abyss of your unwanted past.
Science has learned a lot in the 45 years since Roe V Wade. The truth that Lisa and Planned Parenthood ignore is that the woman’s egg is something she should have complete control over but the zygote is NOT. They fail to recognize the difference. They fail keep up with science since 1973. Murkowski may profess that she does not want to go back in time, yet she is caught in the time warp and remains in the ignorance of 1973 scientifically. Lisa, Why do you think Planned Parenthood doesn’t provide sonograms as a step in a woman’s decision making about an unplanned pregnancy? It’s because the truth can be seen in a sonogram. It’s not a blob of cells, it’s a BABY!
Rob Holston
Guardian Ad Litem for the unborn
Ketchikan, Alaska
Editor's Note:
The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.
Received August 02, 2018
- Published August 03, 2018
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