Vote TuesdayBy Mary L. StephensonAugust 18, 2018
On Tuesday, August 21st we have a Primary Election for House District 36. Dan Ortiz, Trevor Shaw and Ghert Abbott are vying for the Representative seat in Juneau. If you are reading this letter in the news, it means you read the newspaper. It also means you track the opinions of others who submit their letters to the Editor. One being, Ghert Abbott. I met Ghert in January 2017 at the Women’s March Rally at Pier 2. A speaker at the rally, I observed Ghert spoke with knowledge and was quite passionate about the direction the administration was taking Alaska. Poor fiscal responsibility of this and previous Governors along with senior Senators and Congress representatives in Washington DC has put Alaska over $4 billion in debt; with little-to-none accountability of what happened to it. Our diversity in air, land and sea economies should place Alaska high on every important list to preserve, protect and properly manage and yet we are losing ground, especially with the current Republican administration. Ghert Abbott is focusing on the financial issues, because as he stated, “everything else is tied to fixing Alaska’s budget. Funding for education, for infrastructure, for schools, for health care, for the Alaska Marine Highway System, are at risk.” Please make an effort to vote Tuesday. The November ballot needs diversity. Thank you for listening, Mary L. Stephenson About:
Editor's Note:
Received August 16, 2018 - Published August 18, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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