Pretender PresidentBy Donald MoskowitzAugust 24, 2018
At the G7 talks Trump agreed to the dissemination of a joint statement at the conclusion of the talks. After leaving the meeting, and away from the other attendees, he rescinded his support of the statement. Trump imposed tariffs on imports from China, the European Union, Canada and Mexico without analyzing the consequences. He had to walk back the Canada and Mexico tariffs and is trying to reach an agreement with the European Union. China retaliated by imposing tariffs on our agricultural exports so Trump has to bail out U.S. farmers with $12 billion of U.S. taxpayer funds, and China is developing European Union and other sources for importing agricultural products U.S. farmers previously provided. On immigration he rescinded the ridiculous policy of separating parents and children at the Mexico border, and his border wall is not going up because Mexico will not pay for it. This is the price we pay for having a Pretender President who, according to White House sources, does not comprehend complex information nor consult with knowledgeable people. Donald Moskowitz
Editor's Note:
Received August 23, 2018 - Published August 24, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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