'Recall Dunleavy' Signatures Still Being Collected Until Sept. 2nd; Application Still to Be Filed
August 20, 2019
Tuesday PM
(SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska – As of August 15th, the Recall Dunleavy movement has collected 29,577 signatures and the group plans collecting signatures through the end of the State Fair on September 2, 2019. More signatures are being collected in order to compensate for any signatures that may be disqualified such as signatures by non-registered voters or non-residents. The campaign launched on August 1, 2019. This first round of signatures are required to file with an application of recall with the Alaska Division of Elections.
“The Recall Dunleavy events in the Fairbanks area over the second week of the recall effort turned in incredible numbers. More than 5,000 (over 8% of the registered voters in the FNSB) from all political parties signed our petitions. Since our initial kickoff event, multiple other events have been held in the borough, each equally impressive in turnout and enthusiasm. None of our success would be possible without all our dedicated volunteers, as well as you ALASKANS. From the Fairbanks Recall Dunleavy effort, I thank every single one of you,” said Aaron Welterlen, lead Fairbanks volunteer organizer for Recall Dunleavy.
“Recall Dunleavy’s success is rooted in Alaskans standing up for their families, friends, community members, and the future of our state,” said Meda DeWitt, Chair of Recall Dunleavy. "The sentiment that echoes throughout the state and can be understood through the words of an anonymous Anchorage teacher: “I’ve never seen or experienced anything like this. This Recall has given me hope, and I plan to stay in Alaska longer because of it. I am glad that Alaskans are standing up for their state and against this administration.”
Of this reported number, a little over 900 signatures were collected in Ketchikan.
According to www.recalldunleavy.org the Petition Language and Statement of Grounds for Recall of Governor Michael Dunleavy: Neglect of Duties,Incompetence, and/or Lack of Fitness, for the following actions:
- Governor Dunleavy violated Alaska law by refusing to appoint a judge to the Palmer Superior Court within 45 days of receiving nominations.
- Governor Dunleavy violated Alaska Law and the Constitution, and misused state funds by unlawfully and without proper disclosure, authorizing and allowing the use of state funds for partisan purposes to purchase electronic advertisements and direct mailers making partisan statements about political opponents and supporters.
- Governor Dunleavy violated separation-of-powers by improperly using the line-item veto to: (a) attack the judiciary and the rule of law; and (b) preclude the legislature from upholding its constitutional Health, Education and Welfare responsibilities.
- Governor Dunleavy acted incompetently when he mistakenly vetoed approximately $18 million more than he told the legislature in official communications he intended to strike. Uncorrected, the error would cause the state to lose over $40 million in additional federal Medicaid funds.
References: AS 22.10.100; Art. IX, sec. 6 of Alaska Constitution; AS 39.52; AS 15.13, including .050, .090, .135, and .145; Legislative Council (31-LS1006); ch.1-2, FSSLA19; OMB Change Record Detail (Appellate Courts, University, AHFC, Medicaid Services).
The grounds for recall listed by the Alaska Division of Elections are (1) lack of fitness, (2) incompetence, (3) neglect of duties, or (4) corruption.
According to the Alaska Division of Elections, Recall Petition Timeline:
- The application cannot be submitted during the first 120 days of the term of office.
- The application is filed with the director of elections and must include the name and office of the person to be recalled; the grounds for recall described in particular in not more than 200 words; three sponsors who will serve as the recall committee; the printed name, signature, address and numerical identifier of qualified voters equal in number to 10 percent of those who voted in the preceding general election in the state or in the senate or house district of the official sought to be recalled, 100 of whom will serve as sponsors, and a $100 deposit.
- The director will either certify the recall or notify the recall committee of the grounds for refusal.
- If certified, the director shall prepare petition booklets to allow full circulation throughout the state or throughout the senate or house district of the official sought to be recalled.
- The recall committee collects signatures of qualified voters in the state or in the senate or house district of the official sought to be recalled equal to 25 percent of those who voted in the preceding general election and will have up to 180 days prior to the termination of the term of office to file signatures of the qualified voters with the division of elections.
- The division of elections verifies the signers submitted in the petition booklets, and upon completion of the review, the director notifies the recall committee if the petition was properly or improperly filed within 30 days of the filing.
- If properly filed, the director shall prepare the ballot and call as special election.
Edited by Mary Kauffman, SitNews
Source of News:
Recall Dunleavy
Alaska Division of Elections
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