SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

The Killing of Southeast Alaska

By Clement Plamondon

August 01, 2019
Thursday AM

The Alaska Marine Highway is the lifeblood of the small communities of S.E. Alaska and small communities are the backbone of this awesome state that we are privileged to call our home. How can it possibly make any financial sense to strangle the economic future from the growing enterprises that contribute to building a sound, diverse and healthy economy for the future. Our ferries are a resource, a crucial infrastructural asset, to be used in the  building our state. If we keep throwing away all the tools that we need to grow and improve the lives of our residents then we will truly bankrupt ourselves.

  What is happening in the politics of Alaska, besides being idiotic, is absolutely criminal. You cannot simply slash budgets with no regard for the consequences to the future of our wonderful state.  We are a state rich in resources that need to be responsibly managed by competent people not used for political gamesmanship. The keys to our democratic form of government are open-minded communication and compromise, neither of which are evident in the current state of affairs.

 Our education system is another vital resource that has taken years of dedication and hard work to develop. If we drive our young people out of the state to get the education necessary to become capable stewards of our vast natural bounty how can we hope for any progress toward the bright future that is within Alaska’s grasp. We need to invest in the solutions to our temporary financial problems and there is no greater hope for those solutions than the minds of our young people.

  By continuing to foster the divisive attitudes that appear to be driving the decision making in our state’s government through these current financial difficulties we are crippling our abilities to find the solutions that are right around the corner. Look around, we are blessed to live in a young state overflowing with natural resources perched at the very beginning of its story. There is so much greatness here, great people, great beauty, great culture, great wealth, great independent spirit. This is a place truly worthy of investment and the Alaska Marine Highway System and our educational system are ways for us to contribute to the bright future of our beloved home, Alaska.


Clement Plamondon,
a 40+ year resident voter
Ketchikan, Alaska



Editor's Note:

The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.


Received July 30, 2019 - Published August 01, 2019

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