ElectroshockBy Deborah SchwartzkopffAugust 01, 2019
Under the guise of help it is actually inflicting traumatic brain injuries at a minimum, now proven in a court of law. Suits being pursued around product liability, medical malpractice, and against the FDA. There are billions involved in US annually. Trusted providers criminally failing in their duty to warn, protect, and not harm. Patients have been discounted in their complaints by their providers secondary to fear of litigation. They have been harmed under the guise of help for great profits. It is time to expose this despite the monies, positions, and reputations involved. I ask that ECT patients now be seen as TBI patients in their outcomes, so that they may access needed rehabilitative services that all other TBI patients have at their disposal. The public is at great risk and the issue will no longer be swept under the carpet. Please see ectjustice.com. Thank you. Deborah Schwartzkopff (this is a global issue and hospitals in your area are doing this.) https://www.madinamerica.com/2019/06/ect-litigation-patients-not-warned-brain-damage-risk/
Editor's Note:
Received July 20, 2019 - Published August 01, 2019 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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