ComplimentsBy Leslie Becker
August 02, 2020
I am writing to you as a private citizen to compliment the many parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers and staff who faithfully worked together to petition the school board to safely reopen at full capacity. Each of you shared your unique family needs and specifically defined how imperative the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District is to the health of our children and to the entire community. Many of you came to the podium at every open meeting throughout June and July. You were all extremely well spoken and obviously had spent a significant amount of time researching data. Your energy levels and passionate commitment to your children and the good of the community was quite resounding. Well done! It is my prayer that the 2020-2021 school year will be one of remarkable new developments across the district. I also am extremely thankful for the entire district staff. Every day they work tirelessly to take care of our children, engaging them in learning and encouraging them to fly. Without their loving care we would not have the strong school district that we have! Thank you Ketchikan for standing strong! Sincerely, Leslie Becker
About: Editor's Note:
Received July 30, 2020 - Published August 02, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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