Open Letter to Governor DunleavyBy Byron Whitesides
August 16, 2020
I am writing this because a small group of liberals has convinced the Ketchikan City council to write you and request you allow them to place more restrictions on Alaskans based on "more positive tests" of Covid 19! I am requesting you do not allow more restrictions, as I view this request as not rational based on current conditions in Ketchikan and Alaska, which in the case of Ketchikan is a LOW risk of Covid. I view this request as based on a few hysterical chicken little's, who are assuming and projecting these positives into a massive epidemic that just isn't happening in reality! Most of the people tested positive, have no symptoms, aren't sick, and didn't even know they had it, showing that this disease is weakening and running its course. While the positives cases have increased, I feel this is because we are doing a lot more testing, which is showing a lot more positives that we previously thought, that also show this disease is far less deadly than we thought, or what was predicted by the CDC, which had predicted massively mistaken death rates of tens of times more than reality, which have turned out to be around 0.03%! Because of these massively WRONG predictions, we practically destroyed our country! It should be apparent to all now, that the lockdown did more damage than the disease, and what we should be doing is, those that are vulnerable and afraid need to self isolate and protect themselves, not any further restrictions on the rest of society, which has suffered greatly already from the lockdown this spring. We need to remain in our normal open state and pray that our friends and neighbors and the businesses in Alaska can survive the financial devastation. After all, this started out to be a 14 day shelter in place to flatten the curve, we did this and it worked, so now no more of this, let's get on with life! Our hospitals are not overwhelmed, there is no rational reason to call what we are presently going through an epidemic, enough of this insistence by a few of more restrictions, which in my estimation seems to be more "political" based. I have an additional request of you. The FDA has placed restrictions on the use of hydroxychloroquine, that many of us view as political restrictions rather than based on safety. This medication has been in use over 65 years and is an over the counter medication in much of the world, and has a long record of safety as a medication. The Frontline doctors who recently brought this subject up again, say it is safer than Tylenol, Aspirin, and Motrin, and have said it is a valid treatment for Covid when used early and in normal doses. There have been studies showing it as an effective treatment, and a few studies that claimed it was not, however two of those studies were discredited and had to be withdrawn, and one of those studies appeared to have been financed by a pharmaceutical company who are trying to push one of their medications that is much more expensive than hydroxychloroquine, and doesn't have a long history of safe use. The critics of HCQ claim it "might" cause heart problems, to which the frontline doctors responded that they saw none of this using NORMAL doses, and that the studies that showed these problems were using mega doses tens of times larger than the normal dose. NO MATTER, the risk to patients with Covid who want to use this medication are no more than the risk of those using NORMAL DOSES of this medication for malaria, or lupis or any other reason, and this has been going on for decades, without any monitoring of the hearts of these patients! So I see no logical reason to restrict doctors from prescribing this medication to patients who request it or are willing to take the risk. I am one person who would like to be able to be prescribed this medication if I were to get Covid, as I have lung disease caused by an immune system disorder, I have Crohns disease, and it also has attacked my lungs. I am currently at a position that if my lungs get any worse I will be forced to be on oxygen full time, and I would really like to not cross over that line if possible, so assuming I got Covid, I would like to be able to be prescribed Hydroxychloroquine at the EARLIEST point (which is what the doctors who have been using this medication say is the correct treatment), so that it might prevent any further damage to my lungs and the long term effects of having to fight the Covid without using this medication! So my request is that you by executive order, make it so doctors can prescribe this mediation at the earliest sign of Covid, or as a prophylactic, with no fear of retaliation or loss of license, after all, the treatment of disease is supposed to be between the doctor and patient, and if a patient requests medication that has been shown to work for others for a disease that has NO known cures, it should be allowed, not restricted for an apparent "political" reason. Denying the use of this medication to someone with Covid is the same as giving them a death sentence, as at this time there is no proven treatment. Meanwhile, this medication was the go to treatment for many doctors all over the world in fighting this disease. Please use your executive powers to see that doctors in Alaska can prescribe this treatment without fear of jeopardizing their career and future, if other democrat governors can ban this medication in their state by executive order, I see no valid reason why you can't allow it by executive order and urge you to do it, we need to try anything said to work, when there is no proven treatment, not restrict the use of medications shown to work!
About: Editor's Note:
Received August 11, 2020 - Published August 16, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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