Use CARES Act funding to make Alaska elections safer and more accessibleBy Claire Richardson
August 26, 2020
Using federal dollars from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), the Governor’s Office said in May that Alaska’s COVID-19 Response Fund (CRF), included $3 million in Elections Support, and further noted, “…funds are used to support modifications to the current elections process in light of the COVID19 public health crisis.” With additional funding in hand for months, there are important actions Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer, who oversees elections, should have implemented to improve voter safety and accessibility. Postage-Paid Absentee Ballot Return Envelopes Lt. Gov. Meyer could have removed an additional hurdle to democracy this year by not requiring voters to pay postage to mail back their completed absentee ballot. This problem hit home for me when a 69-year-old disabled friend expressed concern about leaving her apartment to walk to the post office or store to purchase a stamp. She falls into the high-risk category for Covid-19 and with no car and living alone, remains isolated. How many other Alaskans face similar pandemic roadblocks? Covid-response funds already earmarked for elections should include postage-paid return envelopes for the Nov. 3 General Election Absentee Ballots. The cost of a 55-cent stamp will be paid by the federal government and would help both rural and urban voters who might struggle to not only find a required witness, but also risk their health by entering post offices or other venues that sell stamps. There are more than a dozen states, both red and blue, that are providing postage paid return envelopes, including Arizona, Oregon, Idaho, Hawaii, Missouri, Nevada and California. Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman (R) announced two years ago that the state would pay the postage for all ballots in the general and primary elections saying, “This is about leveling the playing field and making elections equal for all citizens of Washington State.” Secure Absentee Ballot Return Drop boxes With the continued increase in absentee voting statewide over the past decade, and Anchorage transitioning to vote-by-mail, it appears that many voters feel more confident if they personally drop their ballot into a secured voter drop box rather than post it. Lt. Gov. Meyer is providing only four 24-hour access boxes, one each in Wasilla, Soldotna, Anchorage and Fairbanks. In Juneau, the only option for the primary absentee ballot return was to walk into the Mendenhall Valley election’s office and only Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Why do some urban voters have 24/7 access and others in rural and urban areas are limited? The $3 million already appropriated to the Division if Elections should help defray the cost of providing 24-hour access to State of Alaska drop boxes from Utqiagvik to Ketchikan in the general election so that all voters have equal, safe access options. Voter awareness: “I Voted” facemasks As you recall, the unique, fun, engaging “I Voted” stickers designed by Alaska artist Pat Race and produced for early voters in the 2018 election garnered state and national attention and more importantly, increased positive awareness about the election and voting. I applaud the Division of Elections continuing to provide multi-language stickers for the November General Election. I encourage Lt. Gov. Meyer to have the “I Voted” design printed on face masks so that voters, election workers and volunteers have an added layer of protection and proudly signal to fellow Alaskans that they have exercised their right to vote. We have the resources to make voting safer and more accessible for all of Alaska’s voters in 2020. Let’s use them. Our democracy depends on it. Claire Richardson
About: Claire Richardson served in two Administrations and retired in 2019 after serving as Chief of Staff to Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott. She lives in Juneau. Editor's Note:
Received August 17, 2020 - Published August 26, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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