AK CARES Act ChangesBy Rep. Dan Ortiz
August 31, 2020
In response, multiple House committees held hearings to take public comment about the AK CARES Act program. The response from Alaskans was heard loud and clear: changes needed to be made. On August 6th, important changes were made to expand eligibility: nonprofit 503(C)(6) organizations and commercial fishermen are now eligible. The changes also allowed small businesses that had already received up to $5,000 in PPP/EIDL funds eligible to apply. Now, the State has expanded the eligibility of that last point even more. On August 27th, the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee met to approve additional changes requested by the Governor Now, businesses that received any amount of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) or Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) funds are eligible to apply for AK CARES grants. Those businesses must re-apply through the online portal at www.akcaresonline.org. COVID-19 has created unprecedented times and addressing those issues has been a moving target. I understand the frustration that many businesses have had difficulty applying or have not yet received their funds. Please contact my office if you would like any assistance in applying or just want to know more about the program. You can reach me at Rep.Dan.Ortiz@AKLeg.gov Rep Dan Ortiz
About: Editor's Note:
Received August 31, 2020 - Published August 31, 2020 Related News:
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