Sitnews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska - Opinions



Thank You
By Ed Fry


September 12, 2005

Thank you Ketchikan and island neighbors.

It is a small word with a big meaning. My family has been embraced by you and helped by you in a way that we have never seen before. We triumph when good things are avail and pull together in tradgedy. The first city has open arms and it is appreciated!

After the ships leave and the weather chills, your local provider of critical care air transport remains here, dedicated to serve, whith the highest training standards. God forbid that you need a transport, but if you do, you have a choice in your transport company. It is a legal right and ownership of your patient care for youself, your family, and friends.

You must be provided an informed consent of your options, just like an emergency surgery or elective proceedure. So fear not as you have ownership in your health care elections. We are Alaskans serving Alaskans.

Gratefully yours,

Ed Fry for The Ketchikan Team of Guardian Flight
Ketchikan, AK - USA




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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska