Sitnews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska - Opinions



Commercial Industrial Activity In Bear Valley
By Rick Grams


September 14, 2005

As a citizen of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough/The City of Ketchikan, and/or resident of the Bear Valley residential area, I oppose the permit request that Lybrand Construction has applied for allowing commercial industrialization on his property in Bear Valley.

This appears to be an infringement on a fellow citizen's right to peace and enjoyment of their own property. This should be of paramount importance in your decision to allow commercial industrial activity to continue in a residential area.

I also ask that drilling and blasting hours and all other commercial industrial activities be limited to normal working hours of 8 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday with "zero tolerance" for any weekend activities.
Please feel free to express your support against this request -

Rick Grams

Ketchikan, AK - USA





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Ketchikan, Alaska