Sitnews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska - Opinions



Ketchikan Bridge Funds
By Kenneth A. White


September 19, 2005

How embarrassing is it to have funds that will greatly support the disaster this nation is suffering from, but to have somebody else say it's an opportunity to create a good economy for the well-being of Ketchikan, while at the same time the United States' economy is crumbling at our feet.

It surprises me sometimes how this someone doesn't see the effect of Katrina every day when they fill their gas tank, but yet can still say it will benefit our economy that will only affect the immediate population of no more than twenty thousand instead of the hundreds of thousands of lives that are left in this world with almost nothing except the clothes on their back.

For those who think outside the box, they will know that to continue this project is only a mistake all will suffer from.

This is only the opinion of an eighteen year old, which I hope accounts for something.

Kenneth A. White
Ketchikan, AK




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Ketchikan, Alaska