SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska



Yes to White Cliff
By Elizabeth Nelson


September 16, 2006

Dear Editor,

I have had the privilege of being involved with First City Players for the past 23 years. During that time I have seen such an outpouring of interest and involvement in theater in our community. I have worked with hundreds of volunteers on and off the stage, adults, seniors and youth. I would like to take this time to thank them and the thousands of audience members who support all of our events.

When I began volunteering at First City Players in 1983, they had just taken over what was to become the tiny Main Street Theatre. We shared the funky little 52-seat space with the Arts Council and it was the springboard for so many wonderful community events. Things like the Wearable Art Show, the Monthly Grind, ArtsCool and Gigglefeet all began at the Main Street.

About eight years ago, First City Players and the Arts Council realized that as much as we loved the Main Street space, it was too small to accommodate all of the people and events that we were involved with. We began a search for a new home. The Theatre Ballet and Senior Services joined us, and after a long and thorough site review process, the committee identified White Cliff as a property that would answer most of our organizational needs.

In "Oliver!", this year's fall musical, there are a number of families involved in the show. Mom, dad, and kids are all on stage together, working for the same goal. Theatre provides so many opportunities for people of all ages.

The Board of First City Players has endorsed the White Cliff Center conceptual plan. Speaking as an individual, as a passionate advocate for community theatre, as a parent, and as a taxpayer, I hope to have your support on Oct 3 when we as a community have the opportunity to create a home for the hundreds of people who participate in the different programs provided by the organizations involved, including great community theatre.

Please vote yes on Oct. 3rd, and thanks again for your support!


Elizabeth Nelson
Ketchikan, AK - USA

About: "A 23 year resident of Ketchikan. An avid lover of all kinds of theater and lots of other good stuff."


On the Web:

Proposition 1 - Sales Tax Increase: For the full text of Ordinance No. 1403 click here

Proposition 2 - Bonds: For the full text of Ordinance No. 1404 click here

White Cliff Project



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Ketchikan, Alaska