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White Cliff Sales Tax
By Jon Hurley


September 16, 2006

I agree with Mr. Klien that we should provide for our kids a safe field that does not hurt the kids on all dirt fields littered with rocks.

I have a nine year old daughter that is a White Cliff/Fawn Mountain student and nobody except the White Cliff community fought for the funds to fix the school. I am going to vote no and I urge everybody to vote no on making us pay more taxes for a building that was let go as a school.

Jon Hurley
Ketchikan, AK - USA

About: "Ketchikan resident since 1979"


On the Web:

Proposition 1 - Sales Tax Increase: For the full text of Ordinance No. 1403 click here

Proposition 2 - Bonds: For the full text of Ordinance No. 1404 click here

White Cliff Project



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Ketchikan, Alaska