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Yes to White Cliff Project
By Juanita Diamond


September 18, 2006

Anyone that has ever volunteered at the Senior Center or Pioneer Home would not think twice about voting Yes on the White Cliff project.

First of all, the parking lot is very unsafe for anyone, not just us old folks. Plus, not enough room to even park for lunch.

Secondly, the nurses who volunteer their time and energy to do pedicures deserve a better place to work. Come down sometime and watch what they do. You would not believe the hard work that goes in for so many senior that really need the help. I will probably be there some day, so I will fight for my rights now.

Thirdly, the local stores provide food to give to seniors free of charge and there is nowhere to store or unload it so that it can be given away in an organized manner.

Fourth, the residents of the Pioneer Home go to the Senior Center to make Easter baskets to give away and we must plan on doing it when we can get the use of the dinning room because this is where everything is done. There is only one room at the Center to do everything.

Fifth, we volunteers have our monthly meeting in the dinning room, so we must wait until lunch is over and cleared up. When we have a guest speaker we also have some seniors still eating lunch.

Sixth, the games and puzzles must also be done in the dinning room. Have you ever put a puzzle together and then have to tear it down because it is lunchtime? No room for activities except at the dinning room tables.

Seventh, try having a garage sale to raise money for the Senior Center in the dinning room. It has to be set up the day of the sale and cleared out the same day. Plus, there is nowhere to store the "stuff" until the day of the sale.

Eighth, we could have some entertainment if we had a room to put the piano or organ in. Plus, some of the seniors could play for their own entertainment and not bother the other guests.

The people in town who will be paying the small tax will benefit enormously in the future, so why not vote "Yes"? I guarantee you will be the happiest senior in Ketchikan down the road. I know we would have voted Yes in our day. We know what it is as a Senior Citizen to have any of these benefits. We as seniors would love to go to some activities in the evening if we had a decent place to park and could get to the building that is having the activity. Try riding around in a wheel chair just one day, it will change your mind about voting "Yes" on this project. If everyone would just volunteer one hour at any of these local centers they would vote Yes on this project. Seeing is believing. I know; I have been there.

We do not want to spend the money it would cost to demolish the building when it is so needed by all.

Juanita Diamond
Ketchikan, AK - USA

About: "Resident of Ketchikan for 64 years."


On the Web:

Proposition 1 - Sales Tax Increase: For the full text of Ordinance No. 1403 click here

Proposition 2 - Bonds: For the full text of Ordinance No. 1404 click here

White Cliff Project



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Ketchikan, Alaska