SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Garbage & Bears
By Mike Sallee


September 06, 2007
Thursday PM

I, and at least one other rural dweller I know who lives in brown bear country in south central Alaska rinse out food cans before burying them or storing them in an odor reducing container. Burnable trash is burned and compostables are well buried to keep odors out of the air.

Prudent owners of bush cabins left unused for long periods board up windows and keep food stored in tightly closed metal containers. Several years ago I observed one trapper's cabin on the remote upper Unuk that had a pile of firewood stacked to the eves in front of the cabin's single boarded up window and door.

To live and let live requires some effort and habit changes on our part. That task is made more difficult in urban settings, perhaps by the pace of life and the influence of neighbors' behaviors. One of the downsides of urban living is the impracticality of educating all one's neighbors through personal communication. Thus we have fines, citations and law enforcement officers.

Mike Sallee
Ketchikan, AK

Received September 06, 2007 - Published September 06, 2007

About: " Born in Ketchikan and 50+ year resident of Gravina."


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska