SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Smarter than the average bear? Apparently not.
By Vanessa Nowland


September 15, 2007
Saturday PM

Wow, when will people get it? It's really very simple. Take care of securing your garbage! Rinse out food containers, store garbage in a place where bears cannot access it. Put a tie down strap on your can or call Julie Steiner for a bear proof fence system.

I actually live next door to one of the homes that has one of her enclosures, and their home is one of the few in my neighborhood that has never had bears breaking in and strewing garbage all over the place. And before you start thinking it, I don't even know her and I'm not trying to drum up business, I just happen to live next door and have seen how it works.

I also don't think it's very mature to make snide comments about a fellow business owner's guarantee on their product unless you have experienced a flaw in the guarantee personally. I am guessing they make this guarantee because their product works.

And I'm not aware of any government agency whether it be federal, state or local being responsible for securing or picking up loose garbage at a private residence!

It sounds to me like it's a case of some people being lazy and wanting "government" to fix a problem they are creating for themselves. I am so tired of hearing the whining! Stop fussing and DO something for yourself! There comes a time in life when one must grow up, be an adult and take responsibility.

I really am hoping that our local government will think about following in the footsteps of Juneau and put in place either a law or ordinance that will force local residents to make some changes in their own behavior. I will support it 100% because I am tired of picking up after those who refuse to be responsible for themselves.

Vanessa Nowland
Ketchikan, AK

Received September 13, 2007 - Published September 15, 2007

About: "10 year Ketchikan resident and responsible for my home and happiness."

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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska