SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


RE: Jewelry & Racism
By Chris Elliott


September 28, 2007
Friday PM

I experienced a sinking feeling when reading Mr. Jethani's letter. I've written many letters to Sitnews re the jewelry store petition but never mentioned racism because I believe the issue is an unintended side effect of the initiative. Mr. Jethani's letter explained in detail how many of the owners of the downtown jewelry stores feel and why. It was an eye opener.

Whether racism is a factor in the initiative is not as relevant as the fact that Mr. Jethani and others like him believe it is. In addition to the reasons I have stated previously, I will be voting NO on Proposition 1 to tell Mr. Jethani that we welcome him with open arms. Please join me.

Chris Elliott
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Resident & Newtown property owner"

Received September 26, 2007 - Published September 28, 2007


Related Viewpoint:

letter Jewelry & Racism By Ravi Jethani - Ketchikan, AK

Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:

letter Webmail Your Opinion Letter to the Editor



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska