SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


What is Crab Mentality?
By Heizelle Jones


September 02, 2008

It's interesting how people come up with analogies to discribe a person, point of view or thing. What I would like to know is, What characteristics do Crabs and Filipinos have in common?

Do we have a hard shell, walk sideways, pinch people? We, are a hard working community who take pride in our families, both here in Ketchikan, as well as family elsewhere. We, like most people, would do just about anything to provide for our families. Even if that means we must work a multitude of jobs.

I am all for free speech. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But the letter about Filipinos and their "Crab Mentality" has completely and utterly confused me.

The reference to James Bondish style of "Live or Let Die" and the Ningas Cogon has thrown me for a loop. It is never a good thing to generalize one race.

I invite you all to take a closer look at those Filipinos who are "Crab like", and see for yourself that we are just like everyone else in good ol' Ketchikan.

Many of us are in involved in making Ketchikan a safe and better place to live.

So in conclusion, Filipinos are secured in Ketchikan! AND Ketchikan is secured with Filipinos!!!!!

Heizelle Jones
Ketchikan, AK


Received August 30, 2008 - Published September 02, 2008


Related Viewpoint:

letter Crab Mentality By Jose Garcia

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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska