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RE: Church and State
By Preston Clark, Jr


September 16, 2008

I feel that we do need a little faith when it comes to running a christian based republic. I do not believe that one person should force his/her own personnal beliefs on another when they can't have their own way. Ben Franklin, along with many of the founding fathers, once wrote to the Congress of the United States that they believe that the Bible should be taught in schools and urged Congress to make a wise judgement on deciding this idea during the early years of the US.

As far a the "Life and Times" of a man's life, if he is righteous, it will show, if he is not, that will be made evident in his daily life. I believe in judging a man for what he is doing today to save tomorrow, as for the past, it is dead. Justice will find a way to correct all of the mistakes made by Public Officials. "We the People, for the People, by the People", should always be remembered in all we decide to do in a Public Office. Not, "What can I gain from the sufferings of others".

Preston Clark, Jr
Ketchikan, AK

About: "I am just a citizen like any other. I am concerned only with the fact that who can best represent the people and are not into selfish gains"

Received September 11, 2008 - Published September 16, 2008


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Ketchikan, Alaska