![]() By Edward Brown September 22, 2008
Now that Tony has successfully killed off 500 pulp mill jobs there in Ketchikan, maybe your current whiny Mayor Bob Weinstien will go to bat and get the Pulp Mill reopened. Or maybe not. 500 jobs is better than that old bridge anyway. Maybe more jobs is not whiny Bobs goal. Oh wait Weinstein and Knowles are part of the most ethical crowd who would squelch Sarah Palin becoming our VP. And by doing so killing off more needed jobs that come from her possible new national office. These two old democratic liberal politicians are bridges to no jobs . Rmember that when you go to the polls in the near future. My property taxes here in Anchorage have doubled since our democratic Mayor Mark Begich was voted in. And Anchorage's left leaning assembly voted down support for our bridge to nowhere from Anchorage to Wasilla. Maybe they will take credit for shutting down that bridge too. Now Mayor Begich wants to be our Senator to replace our current Senator Ted Stevens. If elected Begich would be the only Senator from all 50 states that is not a lawyer. In fact he went to an alternative high school here. He has no college degree and bankruted two businesses. That might explain my tax increases. I wonder if Mark will get the same reception there as Sarah Palin? Of course Begich already has a Washington DC welcoming committee running his campaign. Senators Schumer, Clinton and Harry Reid. So they already love him anyway. Money is flowing in from the DNC. What will they expect in return? I wonder if he will help us reopen the pulp mill? Not likely though given the crowd he is running with. Gee I wonder if the high cost of not drilling for oil is catching up to us. Our most ethical congress ever cannot even do energy exploration right. Have they not figured out that we must drill and produce oil or will we turn into just another 3rd world country. All these lawyered up senators are showing their ignorance on how to produce oil. Maybe Sarah can get their focus back onto real oil production. Or maybe being an ethical liberal means we all take up bikes and put more air in our tires to get out of this energy shortage. In fact our most ethical folks think we need more reasons for working and paying more taxes. Joe Biden says it is patriotic to pay taxes. We need to bail out bad housing loans, failing car and truck manufacterers and airlines too. We either pay taxes to subsidize these losers or produce enough oil for us to gas our vehicles to get to work and then we can pay for the products these companies produce. Then these companies will not need a subsidy. And they will be paying taxes and employing people who also pays tax. Sarah may have stopped the bridge there in Ketchikan and in the meantime passed a gasline act that will take a few years to show up. Unlike the others in Ketchikan who want no progress or jobs for the future. Sarah is moving forward. If you vote in the tax and spend guys you wind up with no jobs or energy. I wonder if Mayor Bob Weinstein and Tony Knowles would help push to reopen the pulp mill in the future. They might have that chance if Sarah is elected to our nations VP. Sarah might consider trying to secure another 50 year timber contract to reopen the closed down pulp mill. I can hear the opposition gearing up already. A pulp mill to nowhere that's it. You need to elect a mayor to put partisanship aside when and if that opportunity ever knocks. Whatever you do vote for Mcain-Palin especially if you want something good in the future for Ketchikan (along with Sarah's help). Hmmm .Wonder who I should vote for? Job or no job, that is the question. Edward Brown
Received September 21, 2008 - Published September 22, 2008 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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