SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


By Jerilyn Lester


September 25, 2008

You are asking me to vote for the woman that can't even live in the Southeast even though she is supposed to take up residence in Juneau since that is the Capitol? She has charged this state with 365 days of Per Diem for living in the house she owns in Wasilla.

She stole the money for the bridge here to our airport, God only knows where she spent it but we didn't even get a pot hole fixed from the 235 billion dollars but now the state is left having to pay back the federal money because they didn't do anything down here with it. We don't even get better ferries to our airport.

Then there is the road that now really does go nowhere thanks to Ms. Palin. She may be good for the mainland but she is nothing but hateful to southeast and especially Southern Southeast. I wonder what she will end up trying to do in DC, you can bet your bippy that it won't be good for Southeast Alaska.

Jerilyn Lester
Ketchikan, AK

Received September , 2008 - Published September 25, 2008


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska