SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Health Care Reform We Can All Live With
By Alan Emmert


September 08, 2009

"All Americans should have a health insurance plan that they can afford, own, and keep - that government can never take over or take away.  No American should be forced into a government-run system that limits their choices and rations their care." - Senator Jim DeMint

The Ketchikan Tea Party Patriots agree with this statement. Jim DeMint's plan for health care reform is called "The Health Care Freedom Plan".  His plan, which had been put forth in June asks for these reforms:

  • Protects the right of Americans to keep their employer-based plan if they choose to. 
  • Provides Americans without employer-based health insurance with vouchers of $2000 for individuals and $5000 for families to purchase their own private insurance.
  • Allows Americans with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) to use those funds to pay for insurance premiums, encouraging employers to contribute to their employees' HSAs.
  • Creates a national market for health insurance by allowing individuals to purchase health insurance plans in any state.
  • Provides block grants to states to develop innovative models that ensure affordable health insurance coverage for Americans with preexisting health conditions.
  • Reduces predatory and frivolous malpractice lawsuits against physicians and hospitals.
  • Assures that every health care consumer has access to price information prior to treatment so they can make informed decisions about their care.
  • Repeals financial bailouts (TARP) to fund health care vouchers.  

If you agree with the Health Care Freedom Plan and don't want the government to take over the control of our private insurance plans, join us in signing a petition to our congressmen on Saturday Sept. 12.  We will be hosting a "SolidariTEA Party" in support of the "March on Washington" that will be held on that day.  Go to for the details!  

Alan Emmert
Ketchikan, AK

Received September 05, 2009 - Published September 08, 2009



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska