SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Eyes Finally Opening
By Nicole Esau


September 16, 2009

Upon watching and reading SitNews lately I have to say that I am encouraged that the people of Ketchikan are finally opening their eyes!

I have been here for almost 5 years now and being in the health care social work field. I have a front row seat to the social issues that are finally being talked about not to mention what I experience in my personal life. It is a constant frustration. These are not new issues by any means. We do indeed have a drug alcohol problem, but they are the symptoms not necessarily the problem. There is a lack of personal responsibility at play. The sense of complacency in most people is staggering.

We are constantly finger pointing, it's not enough money for law enforcement or not enough resources, not enough such and such. All of which may be true. But ultimately it comes down to us personally. The root of where change happens is through RELATIONSHIP. Relationship with our selves, kids, friends, neighbors and community itself.. looking at how I can take responsibility each day. Making your self vulnerable to really
be involved with others.

I love the unique independent spirit of Ketchikan. We can overcome. TALKING about what we are all experiencing is a beginning. We can not fear being candid in what we are going through.

As a community we need to accept ourselves and each other where we are at. It's about time we start caring for each other and in turn it will ripple and effect the world around us. It starts with looking at ourselves and being passionate about telling the truth, asking for help, and not giving up on "us".

Nicole Esau
Ketchikan Care Coordination
Ketchikan, AK


Received September 16, 2009 - Published September 16, 2009


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SitNews ©2009
Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska