SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Henry Williamson wins 'People in the Forest' photo contest


September 01, 2010
Wednesday PM

Klawock, Alaska - The Southeast Alaska Conservation Council(SEACC) announced the winner of the People in the Forest photo contest. Henry Williamson of Craig won the People's Choice award for his photograph "Come On, Let's Go to Work." He received a $150 gift certificate from the Clothes Company in Craig.

Henry Williamson of Craig won the People's Choice award for his photograph  "Come On, Let's Go to Work."

Henry Williamson of Craig won the People's Choice award for his photograph
"Come On, Let's Go to Work."
Photo by Henry Williamson

Kathy Peavey, Sabrina Ververs, and Jacy Pierson were the other finalists. All of the finalists won a $25 gift certificate from the Wheelhouse Coffee Roasters, a copy of Salmon in the Trees, a photo essay book by Amy Gulick, a copy of Alaska's Watchable Whales, a photo book by Mark Kelley and John Hyde, and other prizes.
 The photo contest was held in honor of SEACC's 40th Anniversary. The theme of the contest was "People in the Forest", and the judges were photographers Amy Gulick and Cam Byrnes. SEACC received over 40 entries, and the top five photographs were selected. The People's Choice award was selected by over 200 people who viewed the photos and voted on their favorite.
The photos were displayed at the Sunnahae Arts Council Artsfest in Craig, and at the Wheelhouse Coffee Roasters. They will be displayed in Juneau at the SEACC 40th Anniversary celebration.  


Source of News & Photograph:

Southeast Alaska Conservation Council(SEACC)


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Ketchikan, Alaska