SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Saxman Homework Club – Back for 2011-2012 School Year!


September 07, 2011
Wednesday AM

(SitNews) Saxman, Alaska – Saxman’s highly popular Homework Club is back for the 2011-2012 school year.  The program provides a safe, supervised, culturally supportive environment in which kids can get help completing homework assignments, engage in social activities, and enjoy healthy snacks – for free!

The program is available at the Saxman Community Center (2841 South Tongass Highway) on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 3pm to 6pm, beginning on September 6th.

Children of all ages and cultural backgrounds are encouraged to stop by after school, or take the bus directly to the Saxman Community Center.  The program is open to participants from Saxman as well as from Ketchikan.

Funding for the program is provided by the City of Saxman, the Crossett Fund and the Douglas-Dornan Fund.   Volunteer involvement also plays a key role in the program’s success; parents, guardians, teachers, and teens are encouraged to get involved.

Last year’s Homework Club ended with a special community art project.  Participating children and families worked with Seattle-based Haida muralist Andrew Morrison to paint a 32' by 8' mural on a series of wooden panels.  The theme of the project, which was sponsored through a grant by the Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, was “Choose Respect, Promote Hope.”

This year, a newly awarded federal grant from National Endowment of the Arts will help create free opportunities for children to learn traditional Alaska Native arts from skilled instructors. 

For more information about the program contact coordinator Vera James at the Saxman Community Center, at 907-225-4178, or by email at .


Source of News: 

City of Saxman, Alaska


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Ketchikan, Alaska

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