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Southeast Alaska State Forest Expanded


September 09, 2011

(SitNews) - Legislation nearly doubling the size of the Southeast Alaska State Forest was signed by Governor Sean Parnell on Wednesday. Lands added to the state forest will continue to be open for multiple uses, including wildlife habitat and harvest, mining and recreational activities.

“Adding land to the Southeast State Forest will allow the Division of Forestry to manage the land to increase long-term timber supply for local processors and wood energy needs,’ Governor Parnell said. “This will provide much-need jobs in the thinning, harvest and milling stages of logging.”

House Bill 105, sponsored by Governor Parnell, includes 23,181 acres of land to the Southeast State Forest, bringing the total acreage to 48,472. HB 105 received unanimous support in the Legislature. Representative Bill Thomas was instrumental in moving the bill through the Legislature.

“This is one more way we can keep the timber industry alive in Southeast Alaska,” Representative Thomas said.

In 2010, the Legislature designated the Southeast State Forest (SESF). The State’s third and newest forest includes 25,291 acres of land located in southern southeast Alaska. Many of the Forest’s 20 parcels are on Prince of Wales Island.

Other parcels are located on Gravina, Heceta, Kosciusko, Revillagigedo, and Tuxekan islands. The remaining three parcels are located on the mainland.

While this State land allowed for forestry activities prior to its designation as a State Forest, the new SESF designation will enable the Alaska Division of Forestry (DOF) to actively manage resources for a long-term supply of timber to local processors.


On the Web:

Southeast Alaska State Forest Map

Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry

Source of News: 

Office of the Governor


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