By Lallette Kistler
September 04, 2012
There was a derailing attempt, but it did not stand. We are ecstatic with our #3 placement, and fully support the choices for #1 & #2. A hearty thank you to all who made this possible: from the eight supporters, who made up a large part of the small audience today, to the members of the committee who voted to keep us in the top three. There are those that would penalize us, because we are planning to be a largely self-sufficient facility. We are not asking the Borough or City to own the building and be responsible for maintenance like other recreational facilities in town (yes, I would classify this as a recreational facility). We are only asking for civic help to partially fund the construction of this community center. A good portion will be funded by private donations and foundations. Unlike other recreational facilities, operation of the PAC will be nearly entirely funded by user fees and private donations. Focusing primarily on the performing arts, this facility will be available for use by the entire community, and will expand our ability to attract visitors, some of which we believe will stay and strengthen our community. To our detractors we say: It does not make sense to fund infrastructure for a profit seeking company, and not conversely fund infrastructure for group of community based non-profits. Both benefit the community. Who owns the building is immaterial. We are asking a very small price for a very big opportunity. We need this facility, and the time is now. Our battle is not over. Please talk to your neighbors and your representatives. We are SO CLOSE! Lallette Kistler, chair Received August 27, 2012 - Published September 04, 2012
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