By Eugene Martin
September 24, 2012
I miss Alaska very much and when I'm gone from this world, I will be laid to rest there. I now live in Scotts Bluff Nebraska, and the Animal Control laws here are so much different then in Ketchikan. The police in Scotts Bluff are real animal control. The shelter simply houses the animals until they are either picked up by their owners or adopted. The fines are stiff and you can actually spend time in jail for a dog running at large in the town... My point being, that if you really want to change things, you need to change the culture. I attempted to do that several times, by trying to get the Ketchikan police department to help, by attempting to move the farm animals outside the city limits. All failed. Your suggestion could work.... you'd have to get people to buy into it, and you'd have to pay for it. Beefing up the ordinances, getting law enforcement and the courts involved and it could be done with what you already have in place. Eugene Martin About: Former Director of Ketchikan Animal Protection Received September 24, 2012 - Published September 24, 2012 Related Viewpoint:
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