SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions


By Beverly Martin


September 26, 2013
Thursday PM

When family,friends and neighbors are signing up for food stamps and unemployment or your kids or grandchildren can't find a meaningful job after college, it's hard to swallow government claims about the economy improving. There's a reason for why it's hard to believe things are getting better. For the middle class and poor the economy is not improving. After adjusting for inflation, today's median income for family households is the same as in 1980. Since the 1970's, the median income for men working full time has remained stagnant. Last year 1.7 million Americans used government help to stay above the poverty level. (New York Times Lowrey 9/17/13).

The FairTax HR25 would end the shell game of "Under which 'fixed' income tax plan do you get the best results?" End the income tax. Under the FairTax in the 1st year 13.3 million more jobs would be created and wages would increase 10%.(Tuerck "Economic Effects of the FairTax)

For nine years FairTax HR25 has sat in Dave Camp's House Ways and Means Committee. Call Camp (202-225-9679 and demand FairTax be brought to the citizens. It is our families - not the powerful members of Congress - that are suffering.

Beverly Martin>
Fulton, MO


Received September 25, 2013 - Published September 26, 2013


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska