Small Businesses By Dan Ortiz September 03, 2014
Small businesses across the community of Ketchikan, the Southeast Region, the State of Alaska and the United States as a whole are the lifeblood of our free enterprise based economic system. Government’s role in the economy should be to facilitate business activity by supporting infrastructure, particularly in the areas of energy and transportation. I read with interest two articles in the Ketchikan Daily News, August 27th edition that are excellent illustrations of my point. Congratulations and best wishes are in order to the owners of the newly formed business, Ketchikan Airways. Founded by two pilots, Michael Rhoads and Chris Nichols, Ketchikan Airways is a family owned and operated business in the highly competitive floatplane industry. Two of the primary reasons cited by the founders is to provide for their families an opportunity to learn work related skills and to promote the family value of spending time together while working toward shared goals. An endeavor like this supports the very fabric of a healthy community. The second article in the KDN that caught my attention, featured the Alaska Small Business Development Center that is in existence to facilitate and promote small business. Linda Koons Auger, a longtime actively involved citizen in the community is the director of the center, which is funded by the federal Small Business Administration and our local city and borough governments. This cooperative effort by government to assist free enterprise activity helps restore my belief, that while our government system is far from perfect, government by the people and for the people is still the best system that’s out there and its worth fighting for. Dan Ortiz About: Received August 28, 2014 - Published September 03, 2014 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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