SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Time to debate

By Jody Serrano


September 15, 2014
Monday PM

Letter to the Editor:

Dan Sullivan claims to be a fighter in several of his ads, and even says he’ll be warrior for Alaska in one. Last time I checked, being a warrior meant having the courage to show up to a fight and look your opponent square in the eye.

So why does Sullivan keep declining invitations to debate Senator Mark Begich? First he was unable to attend a forum hosted by the Alaska Native Brotherhood in Juneau. And now he is “too busy travelling” to attend the decades-old traditional fishery debate in Kodiak.

It makes me think he’s scared of answering questions about his record in Alaska - which might have something to do with the fact that his record is full of examples of working against Alaskans’ interests. Like how, as Attorney General, Sullivan went to great lengths to argue that tribal courts don’t have the authority to adopt its own village children in the Kaltag case. Or how he supports building Pebble Mine, which would be devastating to the fishing industry.

Dan Sullivan might need a dictionary to look up "warrior." If he’s too scared to show up and talk about what he’ll do for Alaska in Alaska, it's clear he won't be brave enough to fight for us when he is across the country in Washington D.C.

Jody Serrano
Wasilla, Alaska


Received September 10, 2014 - Published September 15, 2014


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