There is no state religion in this country. This is not a Christian nation that tolerates a few Jews because they know how to make money. In this country you are free to worship as you choose, primarily because our so-called founding fathers were not particularly obsessed with religion per se, but were seriously concerned about the consequences of any state sanctioned religion. There are places you can go, Al, where you get stoned to death for not conforming to community norms. Perhaps you might feel more comfortable there. USAA is considered by many to be the best automobile insurance available. Formerly restricted to active and retired officers of our military services, it has expanded in the past decade to accommodate non-commissioned military officers as well. Their corporate headquarters have been situated in San Antonio since I was a kid; across the street from Incarnate Word College when I was in school, and now occupying a series of hills along Fredericksburg Road with a combination of bunkers and pillboxes (from a distance that is exactly what they look like) that would make any General happy. Despite being situated in one of the lowest wage areas in the country (a salary of $20,000 is still big in San Antonio) USAA has nonetheless opted for a rather unusual form of outsourcing. Instead of sending their work to India they just brought a fair chunk of India to San Antonio, and “Little India” flourishes just up the road from “Little Mexico” (not so little anymore). These folks are different. The very outfits they wear are outrageous in accordance with our tastes; amazingly colorful, too. Now I am not particularly impressed with any religion, and much less with a religion (Hindu) that has at its very foundation the “caste” system, but the Americanized variant of that nonsense is generally just a fancier car in the parking lot. I only wonder why they are here when there are hundreds of thousands of local white, black, Oriental, and Hispanic U.S. citizens needing work who will work for low pay. That is the part I don’t get. I have had my run-ins with these folks on a couple occasions, but they are not terrorists, and otherwise they have every right to be here. When I was younger, there were a bunch of guys with names like Muhammad Ali, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, and Ahmad Rashad, star athletes all, who decided that their Americanized names, in many cases their family slave names, were no longer acceptable, and adopted new names and a new religion, the Black Muslims. Round about the same time there was another organization that attracted a lot of young black people called the Black Panthers. While Elijah Muhammad, the founder of the Black Muslims, was unquestionably a murderous prick, as manifested on the streets the Black Muslims wore coats and ties and distributed religious tracts door to door, very much like the Mormons or Jehovah’s Witnesses. Tell me, Al, in the early 1970s who would you rather have confronted, a gaggle of Black Muslims or a group of Black Panthers? I have dealt with both and the diplomacy is assuredly quite different. The Black Muslims smiled and gave me some reading material; I gave my cigarettes to the Black Panthers so they’d go bother someone else. The Black Panthers were good (OK, maybe bad) American Christians who in fact employed terrorism; comparatively low-grade arguably, but to the dead cops and their numerous civilian victims. When I was a child, Muslims scared me; they were the bad guys if it weren’t the Nazis or the Apaches; but as an officer’s son I came to realize slowly that a lot of these guys in funny uniforms who prepared weird, and often quite good, dishes of stuff I had never seen before were Turkish, or Pakistani, or Egyptian officers stationed with and doing the same things my old man was doing; and, damn, they were all Moslems. The 1961 movie ‘El Cid’ introduced us to the simple but fundamental notion that there are good Muslims and bad Muslims; just as there are good Christians and bad ones. Some things one should have outgrown by the time they are 20. My problem with Islam is not just the fact that it is an authoritarian religion that assumes secular activity requires governance and control by supreme religious authority, but even more that it so dulls the senses and the intellect they have not invented anything of consequence since aspirin (and that was centuries ago) and the male dream of Nirvana really does center around the notion of servicing 72 virgins. These birdbrains are so repressed sexually and socially they somehow do not comprehend that the servicing of one virgin and the thereafter consequences is simply far more hassle than it is worth. Servicing 72 of them has nothing to do with heaven; that is the very definition of the far side of hell. But the Boko Haram of Kansas actually scares me a lot more than the Boko Haram of Nigeria. For one thing they are here, sort of, and scary folks in Nigeria are just not much of a threat to me. The African version wants you to be a good Moslem of a certain sort, agree with them totally, or they will kill you. The Kansas version wants you to be a good Christian of a certain sort, agree with them totally, or they will kill you, or at least want you dead. Our dear Christian brethren are actually much more imaginative about the whole deal: They have decided that because you don’t agree with them it is not conceivable you can go to heaven because you have no soul; you are a soulless creature. In other words they want you dead in the next world, too. And what sort of people are squatting in Kansas? In the words of Joseph Stanley Pennell, perhaps Kansas’s greatest writer: “They all sold each other wheat and bacon and corn and beef and farm machinery and squeaky shoes; they all talked in the same Goddamned flat, nasal voices about the same Goddamned trivial things day-in-day-out-year-after-year---eating, sleeping and growing more rustic and pompous and proverbial (as if the secrets of Life with a capital L were to be found in the saws mouthed over a corner rail or a gutter: You kin ketch more flies with molasses than you kin with vinegar. Where there’s that much smoke, there must be far. First ketch your rabbit. Time is money.) They begat their kind, hating each other because of the no-privacy of the place, stunned because of the dullness of the virtues they felt obliged to wear, beckoned at and tempted by the rich vices that each kept each from enjoying except in deep, painful secret……” “Each kept each,” and that was near a century ago; hasn’t changed. “I can hear her say “minister” now—she said it with a caressing respect---a lovesome awe---in her voice, in just the same tone that she said ‘God’ or ‘Doctor.’” “If you were not born in a smalltown, you do not know how women there love the degrees of Divinitatis Doctor, Medicinae Doctor, and Philosophiae Doctor. You do not know how they love the rustic bedside manner of priest and physician---how the chance phrase of a little Biblepounder or a fusty homeopath with a vandyke becomes a perpetual household word: I’m just like Reverend Horsley was when your Papa died; or that’s what Dr. Southern always said---he said, you know, Mrs. Harrington, the thing of it is---and then the remark, paradigm, or apothegm or saw, fatuous and final but never final---would be repeated again. You know it by heart; you see it rising to the tonguetip again; you feel that someday you must do something to free yourself from these unctuous little fools who have left their stale saws in your women’s minds.” That’s Kansans by a Kansan, and now these folks kill doctors who perform abortions, compel everyone to believe as they do; or else. Peter Hanger (God knows the name is hilarious) is not just an ancestor of mine; he is a bona fide Missouri legend. Old Peter was 65 years old as the Civil War ended, but despite his dotage in a scene literally out of the movie “The Outlaw Josey Wales,” he and five others or so were compelled to take a loyalty oath by Kansas Redlegs, then were escorted into a nearby woods and murdered. All the rest begged for their lives on their hands and knees; Peter stood up, ripped open his shirt, stared them down, and said simply, “You are shooting a better man than any of you will ever be.” The bodies were left unattended for an extended time. Kansans, Al, shot old Pete; Christians. And I think you will find, Al, in your life and in mine it will be some Christian idiot who will be a far greater threat to my well-being or to yours. Indeed, your racial blindness, bias, and ignorance is conceivably of great hazard to you, for while you waste time fretting about how someone is dressed or what church or mosque they go to, you might miss a real threat; even one about which one of them might be trying to warn you. Turns out, therefore, your boogey men are in fact just a bunch of boogeying gals, but if you are afraid of flying Alaska Airlines anymore, can I have your miles? David G Hanger
Received September 22, 2014 - Published September 27, 2014 Related Viewpoint:
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