Fair Tax Act By Roy T Newsom September 27, 2014
The Fair Tax Act, HR25/S122 has been held up by the US House Ways and Means Committee since 1997. This is a travesty considering the 17.5 trillion dollar debt this country has that is growing. When enacted, this plan is projected to bring about a 10.6%+ growth the first year. Instead of moving away from the US, companies will have an even playing field here. Imagine the impact of the $2,855,059,420,000.00 that the IRS collected in taxes during 2013 being left in the hands of businesses and taxpayers to be put into the economy. That would be a stimulus that works. The reason the fair tax has not been enacted is Our Congress and President uses the graduated income tax to bribe supporters and buy votes. They rather use a failed (Marxist) system than give this up. It is time for the American people to demand this to stop. What started out as a simple flat tax 100 years ago has spawned an IRS that resorts to unconstitutional actions to work. It is time the American people demand HR25/S122 be enacted into law. For more info: www.fairtax.org. Roy T Newsom Received September 24, 2014 - Published September 27, 2014 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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