Doubters -Tuck This Away By Teresa Alvelo September 27, 2014
Increasing numbers of citizens across the country are beginning to realize that they have virtually no chance of being heard in Washington D.C., as their voices are drown out by large corporate interests, far-reaching corruption, and a general dismissal of interest of both political parties to genuinely adhere to the Will of the People. This is not just my personal opinion, but rather confirmed by a recent study by Princeton University Professor Martin Gilens and Northwestern University Professor Benjamin Page. The name of the study is "Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens". The study found that Washington, in great measure, ignores the desires and directives of average citizens, and instead adheres to the will and dictates of monied and business interests. Average citizens have virtually no influence in today's law and rule-making in Washington D.C. It follows that sending “good people” to Washington will have little effect for meaningful change. The only remaining answer to peacefully and legally restore the Will of the People to governance in America can be found in Article V of the U.S. Constitution; hence The Movement. State legislatures across the nation are working to bring about an assembly, or meeting, of the states to present constitutional amendments designed to “...impost fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress.” Article V grants states this authority with virtually no interference from Washington D.C. This is NOT a call for a Constitutional Convention, but rather a call to amend our existing constitution... something that has been done more than 20 times. You can go to www.conventionofstates.org for more information when you realize that restoring our Constitutional Republic MUST be brought about by the state legislatures. Doubters...store this information away...you're going to want it someday soon. Teresa Alvelo
Received September 20, 2014 - Published September 27, 2014 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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