![]() USCG Encourages Dockside Safety Exams Prior to Rule Change
September 30, 2015
The 2010 Coast Guard Authorization Act required all commercial fishing, fish tender and fish processing vessels that operate more than three miles from the territorial sea baseline or, that carry more than 16 individuals anywhere or, fish tender vessels engaged in the Aleutian Trade Act, complete a biennial dockside safety examination. The 2012 Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act specified that the completion of the first examination be no later than Oct. 15, 2015 and allowed for follow-on examinations at least once every five years. Any vessel which is required a mandatory examination that has successfully completed an examination since Jan. 01, 2013 would not be required to be examined again for five years from that date until such time that the Coast Guard implements regulations to change the interval between examinations. "The Coast Guard encourages all fishermen to receive their examination sooner rather than later,” said Scott Wilwert, Coast Guard 17th District Fishing Vessel Safety Program manager. “There are a few other items fishermen should keep in mind that hinge on them maintaining a current dockside examination decal, such as insurance coverage, vessel owner association memberships, vessel of opportunity participation, NMFS Observer carriage requirements and exemptions from certain regulations.” To arrange for an exam or obtain more information to ensure compliance, please contact the Coast Guard 17th District commercial fishing vessel safety office at 907-463-2810, or your local examiner: Juneau: 907-463-2448 You can also request an exam through the Fish Safe website.
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Edited by Mary Kauffman, SitNews
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