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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

RE: Are You Ready for Back to School 2015?

By Amanda Mitchell


September 09, 2015
Wednesday PM

Ketchikan and Alaska Citizens,

Recently, Susan Johnson, wrote into the Sitnews about ‘tighter immunization laws’ in many states. As a clarification, in our State you are allowed religious and medical vaccination exemptions. Hopefully, one day in our State there will be personal exemptions as well. Yes, some states are moving to take your rights away to define what you can or cannot do with your bodies. Some would like States to have full control to define what is healthy and then force you to do what it defines as best. If you believe you have a right to force someone against their will to inject something into their body or alter it for your safety, well-being or desires, then you incorrectly put your responsibility onto somebody else. (So much for tolerance and acceptance of a way a person is or was born, huh? ) Also, if you believe you are responsible for what I or any other person does with our bodies, then you have deemed yourself to be our master and owned by you. Disturbing to say the least as slavery was abolished long ago, but also this paves a very dangerous path for genetic engineering and transhumanism to eventually lead to genocide for those that don’t quite measure up to the ‘health’ standards defined by man.

Rest assured, if your vaccine will save you from death and illness, then it shouldn’t matter if someone is vaccinated or not. Your vaccine will protect you. Some vaccines are not even for communicable diseases. And if you laughably think that your vaccination status saves those that are not vaccinated, well then I guess those that don’t vaccinate shouldn’t have to worry either. FYI, many vaccine inserts clearly state you shed that virus after you vaccinate and, yes, it is the shedding of the virus that makes you contagious not the lack of virus in the body.

Actually, there was a new case of a man who was found to perpetually shed (for 28 years) a virus from childhood vaccination, but not have symptoms. [1] It was also recently found that ‘leaky’ vaccination is actually thought to be leading to mutations and worse strains of viruses. [2] And as discussed before, when I was a child I developed measles after being vaccinated a second time for it and my brother came down with measles too. So I know personally for a fact that measles can be spread by vaccination. I talked about this and reference a lot of stuff about vaccination in this Sitnews letter here. [3]

What this issue truly boils down to is who has a right to your body and what you do with it. Health and healthy lifestyles as defined by man is man’s morality, tradition and philosophy. And may I point out, that the separation of Church and State had more to do with the religious (philosophical) practices and traditions that, when enforced by the government, became tyrannical in nature? The State should not be in the business of defining ‘health’or healthy lifestyles and then forcing its decision on others, especially if it means altering our bodies in anyway. Vaccination, participation in transhumanism, genetic engineering, obesity intervention, assisted suicide, etc; all medical decisions should stay a personal decision. If not, eventually you or your children or grandchildren will be paying heavily for the acceptance of this ideology.


Amanda Mitchell
Ketchikan, Alaska





Received September 02, 2015 - Published September 09, 2015

Related Viewpoint:

letter Are You Ready for Back to School 2015? By Susan Johnson


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