SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions


By Guy Lane


September 09, 2015
Wednesday PM

I filed a complaint against the City of Thorne Bay and spoke against the City Council and Administrator, I am now being harassed by the City to an unprecedented level as they attempt to take my constitutional rights and means to protect my family away, this could happen to any resident who makes a complaint or grievance against the City, "there has been recent complaints from several residents of being intimidated and the City Council refused to hear their complaint during a council meeting and or just belittled them".

Wouldn't you consider it severely wrong if the following morning (after you confronted the City Administrator during a council meeting about maliciously deterring a qualified (VPSO) employee from requesting a transfer to work as the Thorne Bay VPSO), you were threatened by email with continued litigation from the City of Thorne Bay if you don't agree to give up all rights to make any public complaints about the City Administration, City Council (or) regarding any City matter forever and give up any rights to make a complaint to the State of Alaska about the City Council AND THE CRAZIEST OF ALL IS THAT THE CITY THREATENED CONTINUED LITIGATION IF MY FAMILY DIDN'T LEAVE OUR HOME AND STOP FROM MAKING ANY PUBLIC COMPLAINTS ABOUT THE CITY EMPLOYEE WHO THREATENED TO BURY ANYONE ASSOCIATED WITH MY PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST REGARDING THE SUBSTANDARD CITY WATER, "THE CITY EMPLOYEE EVEN TRIED TO GET OUR SON IN HIS VEHICLE AND A LONG TERM RESTRAINING / STALKING ORDER WAS GRANTED AGAINST THE CITY EMPLOYEE TO PROTECT THE LANE FAMILY".

"The City is now being sued by the State of Alaska to force them to provide safer water for the residents, my complaint to the Alaska DEC to demand the City comply with the safe water laws benefited the entire towns health".

The City of Thorne Bay claims to be so financially broke that they have recently raised practically every available public service rate fee's such as the parking permits, senior citizens tax cards, water, garbage, sewer and boat moorage. Yet the City has enough time and extra finances to continue unnecessary litigation to harass a local resident with high cost attorneys to cover up their unethical actions. THIS IS HAPPENING NOW IN THORNE BAY!

Please remember this letter when it comes time to vote in the Future City Council elections, any new person running for a council seat will be a drastic improvement than what we have now because a City Council and or Administration that refuses due process, has a total lack of transparency, harasses, threatens, uses intimidation and attempts to rule the residents instead of protecting and representing them is not ethical in any way, "it’s a gang" and (all) current Council members need to be voted out of office and I sincerely hope you take the unethical City Administrator Wayne Benner with you.

Guy Lane
Thorne Bay Resident
Thorne Bay, Alaska

Related: Public Comments and Documents Presented to Thorne Bay City Council on September 1, 2015 (6 page PDF)

Received 09, 2015 - Published September 09, 2015



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