Terrorists?By Robert B. Hoston Jr. September 09, 2015 Hillary Clinton is now comparing Republican presidential candidates to terrorists. Terrorist are known for barbaric acts of taking innocent lives, even beheadings and not caring for women. Clinton is comparing presidential candidates to terrorists as she touts women’s rights to healthcare, i.e. “the right to kill" their pre-born children by abortion. Some Republican candidates want to defund Planned Parenthood because of recent evidence showing this abortion provider as being engaged in the business of selling body parts and profiting from the sale of major organs and brains of pre-born children. Most of these body parts can only be harvested if the legs and arms and heads of the pre-born babies are severed from their torsos in utero. This is a common practice in Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics nationwide. The fact that some Republican candidates want to eliminate tax funded barbaric killing of unwanted babies should be no grounds for Hillary Clinton to compare THEM to terrorist. The barbaric act in this case is obviously the mutilation and senseless taking of innocent life happening on a daily basis in Planned Parenthood Clinics. This is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. Robert B. Hoston Jr.
Received August 30, 2015 - Published September 09, 2015
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