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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Republican leadership bullied

By A. M. Johnson


September 13, 2015
Sunday AM

Editor- Sitnews,

It's a continued frustration watching Republican members of Congress continue to allow the criminal acts by this President regarding how the three branches of government work without any pushback. And now the complete surrender to the breaking of law, by the President with noncompliance of the 'Corker’ law passed requiring the President to present ALL facets of details included ‘secret side deals’ with or related to the Iran agreement.

The President to this date, has ignored and continues to bully the Republican leadership. The President has been successful in past bully tactics related to immigration, healthcare and now this Iranian deal. Tragic, that law is ignored by our elected officials. We are a Nation of laws, agree to or disagree to a law, change the law.

The following letter has been submitted to each of our three elected Congressional delegation. It is anticipated that it will have been ignored by press time .

A. M. Johnson
Ketchikan, Alaska

Representative Young, (Senators Murkowski and Sullivan also posted)

Is the following a true statement? If so, and no push back against the apparent anticipated automatic vote to approve this Iran deal? Where are your proprieties? Where is your patriotism? Yes, I do challenge you patriotism standing by without protest. Where is your head? Stop this deal. NOW!! Tell ‘Weepy’ Boehner and ‘Turtle’ McConnell to follow this action as Cruz outlines.


"Obama has not provided Congress with side agreements negotiated between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency, as required by the legislation that established a process for Congress to review the larger deal. “What that means is that all that has to happen is for Mitch McConnell and John Boehner to say, ‘The congressional review period has not started. Under federal law it is illegal for Obama to lift sanctions,’” he said. “Mitch McConnell and John Boehner can stop this deal if they simply enforce . . . federal law.” "

Read more at:

Received September 10, 2015 - Published September 13, 2015



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