RE: "Stop Feeding the Beast"By Wiley Brooks September 13, 2015 I'm not going to get into a pxxxing contest with a gadfly who spent his professional life profiting from a politically corrupt, archaic tax system. Much of his rhetoric is laced with demagoguery. Mr. Stephen Eldridge has been discredited by numerous taxation experts. Mr. Eldridge and I have a disagreement. He wants to continue with a system that he proposes to make simple. His answer will still be a system that was rejected by the founders, that confiscates private property, is subject to invasion by modern technology, and historically been used by politicians to punish and reward opponents. I want a system that reduces and/or eliminates many of those ills. I want a system that brings back fairness, equality, protection of privacy rights, provides freedom and liberty. So, my message is still to go to http://fairtax.org/ and spend some time on it, weigh the pros and cons and reach your own conclusions without my help or the help of Mr. Eldridge. If you are interested in knowing why Mr. Eldridge crusades against the FairTax® visit: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6dVmCK2Z_e0eDdqSlV4aUJRX00/edit?pli=1 . Wiley Brooks Received September 12, 2015 - Published September 13, 2015 Related Viewpoint:
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