Alaska libertarians select Joe Miller as Senate candidate; Will Be on Ballot
September 06, 2016
Due to Libertarian candidate Cean Stevens’ withdrawal from the race and a unanimous vote of the Alaska Libertarian Party’s board of directors, Joe Miller will appear on the November ballot as the Alaska Libertarian Party Nominee. Miller seeks to be the first third-party nominee to win a federal seat in decades. Also running for the people's U.S. Senate seat are incumbent Senator Lisa Murkowski and Alaska Democrat Ray Metcalfe. Miller stated, “I am grateful to Cean Stevens and the Alaska Libertarian Party for their vote of confidence. It is humbling. They could not have been more gracious and helpful. This is an historic opportunity for liberty-loving Alaskans to lead this nation to a post-partisan future of limited constitutional government. I’m calling on all Alaskans of good will to join us in this effort. Together we can make history!” “Alaskans deserve a real choice,” said Miller. “The choice between a Democrat, a Democrat-backed independent, and a Republican-In-Name-Only - who has been one of Barack Obama's chief enablers - is no choice at all.” With a near-historic low of 15.4 percent turnout and only 7.7 percent of Alaska's registered voters casting a vote for our incumbent senator in the primary, it is obvious that Alaskan voters wanted another choice said Miller. According to Miller, Murkowski is the most liberal “Republican” up for re-election having voted with Pres. Obama 72 percent of the time during the last session of Congress, second only to Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. Miller said “The Conservative Voice for Alaska,” as Murkowski dubbed herself during this year’s primary election, ranks near the bottom of the American Conservative Union scorecard for GOP senators; was given an “F” grade by the Conservative Review for her voting record, and scores just 36 percent with the Heritage Action Committee ratings this session of Congress (34 percent lifetime), well below the 58 percent average for Republicans. By way of comparison, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who won the Alaskan presidential primary in the spring, scored 97 percent for his senate votes with Heritage Action, while Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, earned a 100 percent score. Miller said that Alaska deserves representation that will confront the corruption of Washington and reverse the disastrous, big government policies of the Obama era, not facilitate them. From encroaching federal tyranny and the surveillance state, to illegal immigration and economically devastating trade deals; from confirming activists judges and pushing globalist treaties, to using our military as an experiment in social engineering and undermining religious liberty; from systematically trampling on the Constitutional rights of the weakest and most vulnerable among us, to burdening our children and grandchildren with intergenerational debt; Lisa Murkowski has failed Alaska and America. It’s time for a change. If elected, Miller pledges to caucus with the Republican Party, but be a voice for reform on Capitol Hill and within the Last Frontier.
Related Websites: Lisa Murkowski for U.S. Senate Ray Metcalfe for U.S. Senate
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